Dove sono nati gli occhiali da sole? A cosa servivano?
I primi occhiali da sole, o meglio occhiali con lenti colorate, nacquero in Cina nel 1300. Le lenti grigie venivano utilizzate per un altro scopo: erano da interno e servivano ai giudici cinesi per dissimulare la loro espressione in sede di giudizio. Schermare gli occhi infatti li faceva apparire rigidissimi e privi di emozioni. Pensate a quante dormite avrebbero potuto farsi durante i processi senza essere scoperti!
ENG: The first sunglasses, or better glasses with tinted lenses were born in China in 1300. The gray lenses were used for another purpose: they were both for interiors and were used by Chinese judges to conceal their expression in court. Shield your eyes in fact made them appear very strict and emotionless. Think about how much sleep they could get during the process without getting caught!
ENG: The first sunglasses, or better glasses with tinted lenses were born in China in 1300. The gray lenses were used for another purpose: they were both for interiors and were used by Chinese judges to conceal their expression in court. Shield your eyes in fact made them appear very strict and emotionless. Think about how much sleep they could get during the process without getting caught!